Glad tidings to ten companions and those who attended the covenant of Hudaibiya
It is affirmed from an authentic Hadith that ten companions of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) are among the people of Paradise. It has also been affirmed that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said that all those who attended the covenant of Hudaibiya will not enter Hell.(Sahih Muslim Kitab Al-Fadhail Al-Sahabah No. 163)
They were one thousand four hundred or five hundred in number.
Information about the unknown that will happen in future
It is affirmed from Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that Hudhaifah Ibn Yaman (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) stood and talked about all that is going to happen till Judgement Day.
It is also affirmed in Sahih Muslim that Abu Yazid Amr Ibn Akhtab (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) informed us about what happened and about what was going to happen till
the Day of Judgment. In another hadith:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) informed us about what happened and about what will happen until the people of Paradise entered Paradise and the people of Hell entered Hell.( Sahih Muslim Kitab Al-Fitan wa Asharat Al-Sa’ah No. 2)
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about Umar Ibn Khattab

It is affirmed in Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that Aisha (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
“In every people there were Muhadithun if there is one among my people then it is Umar Ibn Khattab.
In his biography there are occasions that prove this, for example Naff the servant of Ibn Umar (R.A.) said:
He heard Umar on the pulpit saying:
O Sariyah Ibn Zaanim the mountain!
People did not understand what he meant until Sariyah Ibn Zaanim arrived in Medina and said to Umar:
O the Governor of the believers, we had surrounded the enemy but days passed without the enemy either attacking or surrendering, we were on a descended part of the earth while the enemy was in a fortress which was on a high surface of the earth.
I then heard a voice say: O Sariyah Ibn Zaanin the mountain. So we climbed the mountain and in no time Allah granted us victory over them( Bidaya wa Nihaya Vol. 7 Pg. 144)
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about Ummu Waraqah bint Nawafel
Imam Abu Daud relates that Umm Waraqah Bint Nawafel (R.A.) said:
When the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) went to fight in the battle of Badr, she said:
I said to him:
O Messenger of Allah permit me to join you in the battle so that I can nurse the injured, Perhaps Allah might bless me with martyrdom.
He (P.B.U.H.) said:
“Stay in your house indeed Allah the Exalted will bless you with martyrdom”.
She used to be called Al-Shahidah (the martyr), she lived till the time of Umar’s Caliphate. She was killed by her two servants, who were later caught and crucified (according to Islamic law). That was the first crucifixion in Medina.
He (P.B.U.H.) informed of the Six signs that will occur close to Judgement Day.
Imam Al-Bukhari relates that Auf Ibn Malik (R.A.) said:
When we were in the battle of Tabuk the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
“The six signs will occur close to the Day of Judgment: Death, conquest of Bait-ul-Maqdis, plague, the increment of wealth, a fitnah that will enter each and every Arab house, a truce between you (Muslims) and the Romans and then later they will come (and fight) in groups of eighty and each
group has twelve thousand men”(Musnad Ahmad Vol. 6 Pg. 382)
He (P.B.U.H.) informed of the death of Abu Darda

Imam Al-Baihaqi relates that Abu Darda (R.A.) said:
O Messenger of Allah I am informed that you said there will be people who will turn apostates after they were believers.
The Prophet said:
“Yes and you are not among them”.
He said:
Abu Darda died before the killing of Uthman(Dalail Al-Anubuwah by Baihaqi Vol 6 Pg. 403)
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about what will happen to Uthman
Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim relate that Abu Musa (R.A.) said:
I performed ablution in my house, I then went out saying that I was going to spend my day with the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). I went to the mosque and asked about him and I was informed where he was.
I followed him behind and found him seated at the edge of the well of Aris, having uncovered his legs and placed them both in the well. I entered and greeted him and sat next to the door. Then Abu Bakar came and knocked the door, I asked who that was.
He said: Abu Bakar. I informed the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) that Abu Bakar was requesting permission to enter.
He (P.B.U.H.) said: “Allow him in and inform him that he will enter Paradise”.
He said: He went and sat on the right hand side of Prophet (P.B.U.H.). Then Someone knocked the
door and I asked who it was.
He said: Umar Ibn Khattab.
I informed the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) that Umar was requesting permission to enter.
He (P.B.U.H.) said: “Allow him in and inform him that he will enter Paradise”.
He said: He went and sat on the left hand side of the Prophet. Then someone knocked the door
again and I asked who it was.
He said: Uthman Ibn Affan. I informed the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) that Uthman was requesting
permission to enter.
He (P.B.U.H.) said: “Allow him in and inform him that he will enter Paradise and a calamity will
befall him”.(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab Fadhail Al-Sahabah and Sahih MuslimKitab Fadhail Al-Sahabah No. 29)
He said: He went and sat in front of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
The calamity that will befall him is that which befell him at the end of his caliphate that led to his assassination
He (P.B.U.H.) informed of the Fitnah that will occur in the last days of Uthman and In the Caliphate of Ali
It is affirmed in Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that Usamah Ibn Zaid (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was standing at a high place and said:
“Do you see what I see? I see the places of Fitnah within your houses and the places are heavily populated.(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab Fadhail Al-Madinah and Sahih MuslimKitab Fadhail Al-Sahabah No. 9)
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about the conflict between Aisha and Ali
Imam Ahmad relates from Aisha (R.A.) that:
When she was passing by the well of Bani Amir (heading to the Battle of the Camel) dogs barked.
She asked:
Where is this?
They told her, the waters of Al-Hawab.
She said:
I am thinking of going back.
Some of the people she was with said:
Nay rather continue so that the Muslims see you, Allah may reconcile between the two of you.
She said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said to us one day: “How do the dogs of Al-Hawab (near Basra)
bark at one of you?”
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about the killing of Talha and Zubair during the Caliphate of Ali

Imam Al-Tabarani narrated that Ibn Abbas (R.A.) said:
When the companions of Ali arrived at Basra, the people were against Talha and Zabair. Ali said: I swear the people of Basra will kill Talha and Zubair and they will fight you from Kufah with an army of five thousand five hundred and fifty men.
So when we reached Kufah I was anxious to see whether it truly will happen as he said or if it is just deception of the Arabs… then I met a man among the soldiers and I asked him, I swear he said what Ali said.
Ibn Abbas said:
That is what the Messenger of Allah had informed.
It is affirmed in Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that Abu Hurairah (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: “It shall not be the Day of Judgment until two great groups fight, and there will be a great loss of life’s from both sides yet they are one people”.(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab Al-Manaqib and Sahih MuslimKitab Al-Fitan wa Asharat al-Sa’ah No. 17)
The two groups were the people who fought the battle of the Camel and Seifein, for they fought one another yet they were all Muslims.
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about the killing of amar
Safwan Ibn Amr said:
The people of Sham were sixty thousand, twenty thousand of them lost their lives. The people of Iraq were a hundred and twenty thousand, of whom forty thousand lost their lives.
Ali and his people were closer to what was right and Mua’wiyah and his people had oppressed them.
In Sahih Muslim Abu Qatada said, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said to Amar:
“You will be attacked by an oppressive group and be killed”( Sahih Muslim Kitab Al-Fitan wa Asharat al-Sa’ah No. 72)
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about AlKhawaarij, their deard character
Imam Al-Bukhari relates that Abu Said AlKhudhary (R.A.) said:
We were with the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) when a man from the tribe of Tamim came and said:
O Messenger of Allah be just.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
Wailak !(It closest meaning in English “Watch out for punishment and disaster!”) If I am not just who will be?”
Umar said:
O Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.), permit me to cut of his head.
He (P.B.U.H.)said:
“Leave him. He will have companions whom, you will despise your prayers and fast to theirs,(That is, the companions will consider their prayers and fasting inferior to that of the Al-Khawarij from what appears to be their sincerity in performing their acts of worship but they will be wrong.) they will be reading Qur’an a lot, but Allah will not accept their acts of worship.
They will leave the religion like an arrow, released from the bow. Their sign is, that there will be a man with a dark complexion among them who have something like a woman’s breast between his shoulder and his hand.
They will emerge when Muslims differentiate (what occurred between Mua’wiyah and Ali may Allah bless them both).
The emergence of Al-Khawarij has been narrated in many of hadith of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), something that has made the scholars to agree on the authenticity of the narrations about it and that it occurred during Ali’s Caliphate.
He (P.B.U.H.) informs about the killing of Ali and how it will happen
Another version of Imam Ahmad relates that Al-Fadhalah Al-Ansari (R.A.) said:…… Ali
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) promised me that I will not die until I take authority (Caliph) then
my beard is tinged with blood.(Musnad Imam Ahmad Vol. 4 No. 463)
Ali was stubbed outside his door by a man known as Abdul Rahman Ibn Maljim who was a Khawarij (from among the deserters whom the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) prophesied of their emergence), when he was going for Fajr prayers.
Ali lived two days after the stubbing before he died. Abdul Rahman Al-Maljim was caught and
sentenced to death after Ali’s death
He (P.B.U.H.) informs about what Hassan will do after his father’s death.
Imam A1-Bukhari relates that Abu Bakrah (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) came with Hassan and ascended with him on the pulpit and said:
This son of mine is a Sayeed (master) and Allah will reconcile two groups of Muslims through him.
It occurred just as the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) had informed. Hassan Ibn Ali was made a Caliph in Basra after the death of his father, but for the sake of peace between the Muslims he sacrificed his post and stepped down for Mua’wiyah, thus the two fighting factions reconciled.
Mua’wiyyah became the Caliph of the Islamic State. Thus, that year came to be known as The Year of Unity.
The Prophet bore witness that the two groups or factions that fought one another were both
Muslim. This proves those who say otherwise wrong. This further proved the prophecy of
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) who does not speak of his own accord but rather from inspiration.
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