![A walking stick that gleamed the path for its owner](https://themessengermuhammad.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/TORCH2-1024x683.webp)
A walking stick that gleamed the path for its owner
Imam Al-Bukhari relates that Anaslbn Malik (R.A.) said:
Two men from the companions of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) went out of the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H.) house on a dark night, they had what resembled two lamps in front of them (When they separated, it appeared that each one of them had a shining walking stick until they reached their people).
(Sahih Al-Bukhari Book of prayers 79)
In another version, Imam Al-Baihaqi relates that Abu Usaid Al-Ansari (R.A.) and another man among the Helpers were at the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H.) house, discussing a matter till late in the night. When they went out of the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H.) house, it was very dark.
Each of them had a walking stick. When they started walking one of the two walking sticks gleamed like a torch and by that they saw where they were going. Then when they went in separate
ways, each stick gleamed like a torch and they walked in light till they reached their houses.
(Dalaail An-Nubuwwa by Al-Baihaqi Vol 6 Pg. 77)
Story of the conversion of Al-Tufail Ibn Amru
![Story of the conversion of Al-Tufail Ibn Amru](https://themessengermuhammad.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/TORCH1-1024x768.jpg)
Ibn Ishaq relates that Al-Tufail Ibn Amru (R.A.) was obeyed and respected in the clan of Dus. When he came to Mecca, the nobles of Quraish had a meeting with him wherein, they warned him of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) by telling him that he should not listen nor speak to him.
He said: I swear they kept insisting until I made up my mind not to listen nor speak to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
That day I went to the mosque and found the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) standing in prayer in front of the Ka’aba. I heard him reciting exquisite words (Qur’an).
He said: Then I said to myself; By Allah I am a person who is intelligent, a poet, I distinguish what is good from bad. It is upon me to listen to his person. If what he says is good, I will accept
and if not I leave it.
He said: I kept waiting till he finished and went to his house. I followed him there and I said to him:
O Muhammad, your people have told me such and such but I realized that there is something
they are not telling me then, when I decided to hear you, I heard exquisite words. So, explain to me what you have come with.
He said: The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) then explained to me what Islam was and he recited the Qur’an to me. By Allah, I have not heard words more superior nor statements more just.
He said: I became a Muslim and I bore witness to the Truth and said,
“O Prophet of Allah. I am a man who is obeyed by my people so, I will go back to them and call them to Islam. O Prophet, Ask Allah to grant me a miracle that will help me to do so”.
The Prophet said,
“0 Allah grant him a miracle”.
He said: So I went back to my people. When I was almost there, a light glowed like a torch between my eyes.
I then said, O Allah not on my face I fear they might think that it is a curse.
The light then appeared on my head. As I approached my people, they all gathered around me and my
father came to me and I told him that I am a Muslim and that I am a follower of Muhammad (P.B.U.H.).
My father said: O my son your religion is mine.
I said to him: Go wash your body and clothes and then I will teach you what I was taught.
My father then became a Muslim. My wife and my whole family became Muslims. My people refused to accept Islam, so I went back to the Prophet and he said,
“O Allah guide the people of Dus, go back to them and call them to Islam. Be gentle and courteous with them.”…
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