11 in “Prophet’s shoes : The Great Footwear of Legend”


Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam used different types of khuffs (leather
socks).The etiquette of wearing a khuff is that the right one should be put on first.

before wearing the khuff the inside should be cleansed (dusted) out.

The reason being that in the ‘Mu’jizaat’ (miracles), Tabrani has written a narration on the khuff in which Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam once while in the jungle, had on one of his khuffs and as he began to put on the second one, a crow came and took away that khuff, flew in the sky and dropped it.

A snake had entered that khuff. When the khuff fell, the snake got injured and came out Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam thanked Allah and made it etiquette of the khuff, that the inside be cleaned out before putting them on. Imaam Tirmidhi quotes two hadith in this chapter.

Hadith Number 1

Buraydah (radiallahu anhu.) says, “Najaashi sent two simple black colored as a gift to Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam. He wore these and made mas-h over after performing wudu”.


Najaashi was the title of kings of Abyssinia, like sharif was the title of the rulers of Makkah.

The name of this Najaashi was As-hamah, who later became a Muslim. The’ulama have deduced from this hadith that it is permissible to accept a gift of a non- believer.

Najaashi had not yet accepted Islaam at the time of sending the gift. The ‘ulama have therefore summed up these in different ways.

Hadith Number 2

Sayyidina Mughirah bin Shu’bah radiallahu anhu relates:”Dihyah Kalbi sent to Rasulullah
Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam as a gift to khuffs. In another narration it is
stated that with the khuffs a jubbah (a long coat) was also sent.

Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam did not inquire if the skin was from slaughtered animals or not”.


The last sentence of this hadith strengthens madh-hab of the Hanafis that it is permissible to use a tanned skin of an animal whether it is slaughtered according to shari’ah or not.

Some of the ‘ulama differ on this question. It has been discussed in the books of fiqh (jurisprudence).


In this chapter the type of shoe that Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam wore, his method of putting them on and taking them off and other matters have been discussed.

Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Sahib has written in the kitaab ‘Zaadus’ Sa’eed’ a detailed treatise on the barakaat and virtues of the shoes of Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam.

Those interested in this should read that kitaab(which is available in English). In short, it may be said that it has countless qualities.The ‘ulama have experienced it many a time.

One is blessed by seeing Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam in ones dreams;one gains safety from oppressors and every heartfelt desire is attained. Every object is fulfilled by its tawassul (means,petition,request).

The method of tawassul is also mentioned therein. Imaam Tirmidhi has written eleven ahaadith in this chapter.

Hadith Number 1

Qataadah radiallahu anhu reports that:” I asked Anas to describe the shoe of Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam”. He replied: “Each shoe had two straps”.


The shoes in ‘Arabia were not of the type of are known here in India. They consisted of a leather sole with two straps on them

Hadith Number 2

Ibn ‘Abbaas radiallahu anhu reports that Raulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam shoe had two’double straps’.


It means that every strap was made of two strips of leather sewn together. In the chain of narrators of this hadith there is a narrator Khaalid Hadh-dhaa. Hadh-dhaa in ‘Arabic means a shoe maker.

The ‘ulama write that this narrator was not a shoe maker, but had an acquaintance with those whose trade was shoe making. Due to his acquaintance and friendship, he was also named (Khaalid) Hadh-dhaa, and became known by his name. one is surely influenced and develops the habits and manners of those with whom one keeps company.

Hadith Number 3

‘Eesa bin Tahmaan says that Anas radiallahu anhu took out a pair of shoes and showed then to us.

They did not have hair on them. Later Thaabit told me these were the shoes of Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam.


It was common in ‘Arabia that the hair was not removed from the skin from which shoes were made. For this reason the narrator mentioned the hair

Hadith Number 4

‘Ubayd bin Jurayj radiallahu anhu asked Ibn ‘Umar radiallahu anhu the reason for not wearing shoes with hair on them.

He replied: “I had seen Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam wear and perform wudu with shoes that did not have hair on them. That is why I also like this type of shoes”


The reason for asking this question is that at that time it was it was not a general practice to wear shoes without hair on them. Imaam Bukhaari quotes a detailed hadith in his kitaab, where sayyidina Ubayd bin Jurayj radiallahu anhu said to Sayyidina Ibn Umar radiallahu anhu,

” I see you observe a few things which the other sahaabah do not observe?”

Among other question he asked the reason for wearing shoes with a smooth leather surface. sayyidina Ibn Umar radiallahu anhu made strong efforts to follow Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam in every aspect. The others generally wore the common leather shoes with hair.

Hadith Number 5

Abu hurayrah radiallahu anhu relates that the shoes of Rasululah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam had two straps.

Hadith Number 6

Amr bin Hurayth radiallahu anhu reports, “I saw rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu
alaihe wasallam perform salaah with such shoes that had another leather sole sewn onto them.”


It means that the sole was double. It had two layers of leather. It may also mean that because the shoe was tearing a patch was sewn onto it.

Hadith number 7

Abu Hurayrah reports: Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said: One
should not wear one shoe and walk. Both shoes should be worn or both shoes should be removed.


The reason for mentioning this Hadith in the shamaa-il is that it was not the noble habit of
sayyidina Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam to wear one shoe only.

If sayyidina rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam prohibited others to do so, he would not practice this himself.

Apparently the prohibition in this hadith is for doing so habitually. However if a single shoe is worn for a little while because the other one is torn or because of some difficulty, then there is no harm.

Arising from this hadith the ‘ulama have added that , in the same manner only one khuff (leather sock) or one sleeve should not be worn. Both should be worn as is done commonly. One should keep away from cheap formalities, fashions and rudeness.

Hadith Number 8

Jaabir radiallahu anhu says that Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam.
prohibited eating with the left hand, or the wearing of one shoe only.


According to the majority of the ulama the fulfillment of these commands are meritorious, that means, not haraam. Some ulama of the Zaahir have stated that it is prohibited to act contrary to this

Hadith Number 9

Abu Hurayrah radiallahu anhu says that Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said,

” Whenever one amongst you puts on his shoes, he should begin with the right, and when he removes his shoes the left one should be removed first. The right should be first when putting on and last when removing the shoes.”


The shoe being an ornament for the feet, should be long on the feet, as has been mentioned
earlier. In the same manner all those things, the wearing of which are ornaments, when wearing them, the right should be first, and when removing them, the left first, like the wearing of qamis (kurtah) ,izaar, jubbah etc.

Hadith Number 10

Aayeshah Radiallahhu Anha says: ” Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam while combing his hair ; wearing his shoes;and while washing his limbs during wudu, as far as possible began with his right .”


This is not confined to the above three only, but covers all other acts as stated previously. The saying ,` As far as possible , means that for some unforeseen reason he began from the left , then there is no harm.

Hadith Number 11

Abu Hurayrah radiallahu anhu says that the shoes of Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe
wasallam had two straps. In the same manner the shoes of Abu Bakr and Umar radiallahu anhu had two straps on them. radiallahu anhu began the use of one strap.


Sayyidina radiallahu anhu may have adopted the use of one strap so that it may not be assumed that two straps are strictly necessary.

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