He (P.B.U.H.) informs about the killing of the Turks
Imam Al-Bukhari relates that Abu Huraira (R.A.) heard the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) say:
“It shall not be Judgment Day until you fight people with hairy shoes, small eyes and round flat red faces, flat noses, and have no knowledge on Islam…(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab: Al-Manaqib)
The Muslims fought the Turks in last era of the companions of the Prophets (P.B.U.H.). They fought Ilqan the Great who suffered a severe defeat.
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about false Prophets

It is affirmed in Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that Jabir Ibn Samurah (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
“There will be thirty Liars, Imposters before the Day of judgement. All of them will claim to be prophets”.( The source before)
In another version:
Imam Al-Baihaqi, he relates that Abdallah Ibn Zubair (R.A.) said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
“The day of judgment will not come until thirty Liars emerge, among them Musailamah, Al-Asnah, Al-Mukhtar and from evil tribes of the Arabs: Bani Umaiyyah, Bani Hanifah and Bani Thakif.(Dalail Al-Nubuwah by Al-Baihaqi V0L6 Pg. 481)
He (P.B.U.H.) informs the ending of his century after one hundred years
It is affirmed in Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that Ibn Umar (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led us in Isha prayers during his last days and after prayer he stood and said:
“Have you all seen this night? Indeed after one hundred years there will be no one remaining on this earth”.
Ibn Umar said:
People misunderstood the words of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) in this hadith concerning one hundred years.
What the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said was:
“there will be no one remaining from the ones on earth today”.
Meaning that all of them would have passed away(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab: Mavaqit Al-Swalah amd Sahih Muslim Kitab: Fahdail Al-Swahabah No. 217)
He (P.B.U.H.) informs about twelve imams all of them from Quraish

The twelve imams are not the ones whom the Rafidha (Shi’a) claim they are. They only claim for Ali Ibn Abu Talib, his two sons (Hassan and Hussein) and Mahdi whom they wait for.
Among the twelve imams mentioned in the hadith are; Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, Ali, and Umar
Ibn AbdulAziz. It is affirmed in Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
“This authority will not cease to be until there are twelve caliphs, all of them from the
Quraish”(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab: Al-Ahkam and Sahih Muslim Kitab: AlImarah No. 6-10)
Another version of Abu Daud relates that Jabir Ibn Samurah said: I heard the Messenger of Allah saying:
The order will be firm until twelve Caliphs rule and all the people gather under them.
Sahih Al-Bukhari relates that Mua’wiyyah Ibn Abu Sufyan said:
I heard the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) saying:
The twelve Caliphs are from the Quraish.( Sahih Al-Bukhari Book of Judgment, Sunan Abu Daud Book of Mahdi 4279 )
He (P.B.U.H.) gave signs of Malik Ibn Anas
Imam Al-Tirmidhy relates from the hadith of Ibn Uaina narrated by Abu Huraira (R.A.) that:
Soon people will start hitting the backs of Camels (Travelling) to seek knowledge, then they will not find someone more knowledgeable than the scholar in Medina”.
Imam Al-Tirmidhy said: That is Malik Ibn Anas. Abdulrazaq said that Malik died in the year of
179 A.H.
He (P.B.U.H.) gave signs of Muhammad Ibn Idris Al-Shafi’
Imam Abu Daud relates that Abdullah said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
“Do not insult Quraish, for indeed a scholar from them will fill the earth with knowledge… O Allah, you let difficulty befall the first ones so grant your favor upon the last ones.
Al-Hafidh Abu Naim Al-Asbahani said: That is Al-Shaff. Al-Shafi’ died in the year 204 A.H.
He (P.B.U.H.) informed about a fire which will be seen in the land of Al-Hijaz

When this fire was burning in the land of Al-Hijaz its blazes shone on the neck of the camels in Basra, this occurred in the year 654 A.H.
Imam Al-Bukhari relates that Abu Huraira (R.A.) said that: The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
“The Day of Judgment will not come until a fire bums from the land of Al-Hijaz and by it the
necks of the camels in Basra shine”.
The Historians and other scholars have also mentioned of its occurrence in year 654 A.H.( Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab: Al-Fitan)
The Story of Al-Alaa Ibn Al-Hadhramy
Imam Al-Baihaqi relates that Anas Ibn Malik (R.A.) said that:…
Umar Ibn Khattab prepared an army together with Al-Alaa Ibn AlHadhramy.
Anas said: I attended this battle so when we arrived at the battlefield, we found our opponents had already covered all the water sources. It was a very hot day, we became so thirsty and our animals too.
Al-Hadhramy led us in a two raka’ats prayer then raised his hands to the sky and not a single cloud could be seen. I swear that he before he descended his hands, Allah had already sent a strong wind carrying thick clouds. It poured down heavily.
We thus collected water to drink, filled all our containers and quenched our thirst and that of our animals too. We followed our enemy but they had already crossed the gulf to the island.
He stood at the gulf and said: O Most High O Most Powerful, O Most Kind O Most Generous,…
Then said to us: Cross, by the name of Allah.
He said: We crossed the sea on our animals, the water hardly reached the hoofs of our animals. It
was not long before we caught up with our enemies, we confronted them and Allah blessed us with a victory over them.
The hadith also mentioned the death of AlHadhramy, they buried him in a land that does not
accept the dead. So they dug another grave in which they would transfer the body. When it was time to rebury they could not find his body, all they saw in the initial grave was a bright light.They covered the grave and left.(Dalail Al-Nubuwah by Al-Baihaqi Vol. 6 Pg. 52)
The story of Abu Muslim Al-Khulani
Imam Al-Baihaqi relates that Sulaiman Ibn Al-Mughirah said:
Abu Muslim Al-Kulani walked on water then turned his people and asked:
Has any one of you lost anything?( Dalail Al-Nubuwah by Al-Baihaqi Vol. 6 Pg. 45)
Muhammad Ibn Ziyad relates from Abu Muslim that when they were fighting in the land of the Romans, they sometimes come across a river and he would say: Cross in the name of Allah.
Ibn Kathir says in the aspect of this story:
The karamat (miracles done by saints) done by these Saints are actually miracles of the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) because they were only able to do them through the blessing of following and
imitating the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) in all that they did.
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