The Prophet Informs On What Will Happen In The Future
What is mentioned in The Prophetic Tradition (Hadith)
1 The story of the scroll

(In this scroll the Quraish agreed to enforce sanctions against Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Mutalib who were allies of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).)
The Quraish agreed to enforce sanctions on Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib (who wereallies of the Prophet).
They agreed that they should not help them in any way, nor marry from them, nor trade with them until they give up the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to them. This sanctions were enforced to all, the Muslims among them and non-Muslims too.
The Quraish hang the scroll in the Ka’bah.
Allah imposed over it termites which fed on it except the parts that had Allah’s name written on
it. The Prophet told his uncle Abu Talib about it. Abu Talib then went to the Quraish and said:
In deed my nephew has informed me that your scroll has been eaten away by the termites except the parts of it that have Allah’s name on it, so go and check, if it is not as he says, then I will hand him over to you.
They went and found it as the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) had said. This led to the lifting of all the sanctions( See Al-Seerah Al-Nabawiyyah by Ibn Hisham Vol 1 Pg. 238)
2 Completion of the religion and establishment of Muslims on earth
Imam Al-Bukhari relates that Khabab Ibn Al-Art (R.A.) said:
We complained to the Prophet(P.B.U.H.) while he was seated under the shade of the Ka’ba.
We said:
Why do you not ask for Allah’s help?
Why do you not pray for us?
He said,
“Among the previous nations, a hole used to be dug for a man and he is placed in it then they take a saw and cut him into two from his head.
Others used to use a sharpened iron comb and rake off a man’s flesh from his bones, and that never shook his faith. Allah will indeed complete this religion to the point that a man will ride from Sana’a to Hadhramaut without fear of none but Allah and a wolfs attack on his animals, but you people are too hasty”(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab Al-Manaqib – Bab Alamaat Al-Nubuwwah
fil Islam)
3 The dream about Al-Hijrah, Uhud and the conquest of Mecca
Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim relates that Abu Musa (R.A.) said that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said,
“I saw in a dream that I am migrating from Mecca to a land of many date palms. I thought it was Al-Yamamah or Hajar (a town in Bahrain) not knowing that it is Yathrib (Medina)…. And I also saw in a dream that I was brandishing a sword, then its tip broke off, that is what befell the believers in the battle of Uhud.
Then I brandished another sword and it became better than it was initially, and that was the conquest of Mecca and the assembly of the believers. I also saw naqr (the death of my companions) and Allah’s blessings, and the naqr was the death of the believers in the Uhud, and Allah’s blessings were the thawab (rewards) we got on the day of Badr.
4 prophet (P.B.U.H.) informed of the killing of Umayyah Ibn Khalf

Imam Al-Bukhari relates that Abdullah Ibn Masu’d (R.A.) said: Sa’ad Ibn Muadh came to Mecca to perform U’mrah (minor pilgrimage), and stayed as a guest at Umayyah Ibn K half s house.
Umayyah used to trade between Sham (Syria and Jordan) and Mecca and he used to stop over at Medina and stay at Sa’ad’s house.
As Sa’ad made tawaf (circumambulating)
Abu Jahal asked: Who is this making tawaf?
Sa’ad said: It is me Sa’ad.
The two exchanged words and Umayyah warned Sa’ad not to raise his voice to Abu AlHakam (Abu Jahal) for he is a noblest among the people of the valley (Mecca).
Sa’ad then said: By Allah if you stop me from doing my tawaf I will cut your relations with Sham,
Umayyah kept on insisting that Sa’ad should not raise his voice.
This annoyed Sa’ad and he said: Leave me alone, for I heard the Prophet say that Abu Jahal is going to murder you. By Allah Muhammad does not lie in his speech.
So Umayyah went back and informed his wife and she also said: By Allah Muhammad does not lie.
When the Quraish set out for Badr, Umayyah did not want to go. Abu Jahal said to him,
you are among the nobles of the valley come with us even if it is for two days.
So he set out with them and Abu Jahal killed him on the way(Sahih Al-Bukhari kitab Al-Manakib)
5 He (P.B.U.H.) informed of the killing of Ubay Ibn Khalf

Urwatu Ibn Zubair (R.A.) said Ubay Ibn Khalf a brother of Bani Jamha had sworn when he
was in Mecca, that he would kill the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). When the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was
informed about it, he said,
“Nay, I am the one who will kill him Insha Allah.
When it was the day of Uhud, Ubay Ibn Khalf carried a piece of metal saying:
If I meet Muhammad, I am going to kill him.
Ubay then came close to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) but Musa’b Ibn Umair was shielding the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) with his body and he was martyred.
Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) ceased an opportunity and stabbed him with a spear. He fell down to the ground from his horse and he did not bleed from his wound. His people came and helped him while he mooing like a bull.
They said to him:
What worries you? It is just a scratch.
He informed them of what the Prophet said,
“I will kill Ubay”
Ubay then said:
By He in whose hands my soul lies, if this was to befall my people, they would have all died.
He then died and went to Hell.
Imam A1-Bukhari and Imam Muslim relate that Abu Huraira (R.A.) said he heard the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) saying,
“Allah really gets angry at the man who gets killed by a Messenger of Allah for His sake”.
6 He (P.B.U.H.) informed of how people will fight on the day of Badr
Imam Muslim relates from Anas Ibn Malik (R.A.) that Umar Ibn Khattab (R.A.) said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said, “This is how so and so will fight tomorrow Insha Allah”.
He (Anas) said that Umar said: By He who sent him with truth, they fought just as the Prophet had said.
He said: They were dumped one after the other into a well, then the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) went and
stood by the well and said,
“O So Son of So! and 0 So Son of So and So! Did you find what Allah and his Messenger promised to be true? As for me, I found what Allah promised me to be true”.
Then Umar said: O Messenger of Allah how do you talk to bodies that have no soul?
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) replied:
“They hear what I say but they cannot reply”(Sahih Muslim: Kitab Al-Janna wa sifatu Naimiha No. 76)
7 prophet (P.B.U.H.) informed that a man in the Muslim army is among the people of Hell

Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim relate that Sahl Ibn Sa’ad As-Sa’idi (R.A.) said:
The Messenger of Allah fought against the non believers in one of the battles. When the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) retired to his camp and the non believers too returned to their camp, there was a man among the companions who was very brave and had fought very bravely.
The companions were praising this man among themselves and the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) heard them and said,
“He is among the people of Hell”.
Then a man among the companions said that he is going to accompany him everywhere he goes.
He said: They went out with him, when he stopped he stopped too and if he moved fast he moved fast too, he (the brave man) was then injured severely, so when the pain was to much for him to bear, he killed himself.
The man then went back to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and said: I bear witness that you are a
Messenger of Allah.
The Prophet said, “What makes you say that?”
He said: The man you said before a while that he is among the people of Hell and people were surprised, I decided that I will accompany him. I did follow him until I saw him wounded severely; thereafter he killed himself.
The Prophet said, “Indeed a man can do the deeds of the people of Paradise in what appears to the people and he is among the people of Hell. And a man can do the deeds of the people of Hell in what appears to the people and is among the people of Paradise”(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab AL-Jihad and Sahih Muslim Kitab Al-ImanNo. 179)
8 He (P.B.U.H.) inform of the grave of Abu Raghal
Imam Abu Daud relates that Abdullah Ibn Amr (R.A.) said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) saying when we were going to Taif and passed by a grave:
“This is the grave of Abu Raghal and he was Abu Thaqif and he was among the people of Thamud. He was stopped from entering Mecca so when he went out, he was befallen by the punishment that befell his people at this place and was buried. They buried him together with bars of gold. If you are to dig up his grave, you will find the gold”.
The people dug up and took out the gold( Sunan Abu Daud: Kitab Alkharajul Imara No. 3088)
9 prophet (P.B.U.H.) informed of the fall of Khosrau and Caesar

Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim relate that Jabir Ibn Samura (R.A.) said:
The Prophet said,
“When Khosrau falls there will be no Khosrau after him, and when Caesar falls there will be no
Caesar after him. By He in whose hands my soul lies we will distribute their treasures in the way of Allah.( Sahih Muslim The Book of Fitnah and the Day of Judgment 77)
This truly came to be during the time of the three Caliphs Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman (R.A.). The Muslims conquered the two empires and distributed in charity the wealth of Caesar king of Rome and Khosrau king of Persia. This was a glad tiding to the Muslims, the two empires will never rise again. Thanks to Allah.
10 He (P.B.U.H.) informed about the general peace in the nation
Imam Al-Bukhari relates that A’di Ibn Haatim (R.A.) said that:
While I was seated with the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), a man came complaining of poverty and another came complaining of road robbery, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said,
“O A ’di have you seen Al-Khirah?(The land of an Arab king but protectorate of the Roman Empire)
I said: No I have not seen it.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
If you will live long you will see a woman from Al-Hudij traveling from Al-Khirah to the Ka’abah and do Tawaf while with no fear of none but Allah…(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab Al-Manakib, see Fat’h-Asl Bari Vol. 6 Pg. 709)
11 He (P.B.U.H.) informed Thabit Ibn Qais that he is among the people of paradise
Imam A1-Bukhari relates that Anas Ibn Malik (R.A.) that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) asked
where Thabit was, as he had not seen him for a while since he saw him.
Then a man said:
O Messenger of Allah I will inform you about him. He then went Thabit’s house and found him seated facing down.
He him asked: What is your problem?
He replied: I used to raise my voice higher than the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), so my deeds are void and
I am among the people of Hell-Fire.
The went back to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and informed him about him.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: “Go say to him: You are not among the people of Hell but indeed
you are among the people of Paradise”.
Thabit Ibn Qais died a martyr in the battle of AlYamama.
12 He (P.B.U.H.) informed Abdullah Ibn Salam that he is among the people of paradise
It is affirmed from an authentic Hadith that Abdullah Ibn Salam (R.A.) received glad tidings that he will die a Muslim and he will be among the people of Paradise. This is something people used to talk about when he was alive and it actually happened as the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said( Sahih Muslim Kitab Al-Fadhail Al-Sahabah No. 148/150)
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